Well, our first day of traveling to Gathering of Eagles XXVI went pretty smooth despite the night before. On the final eve of preparing for the trip, a quick storm blew through, and out went the lights. After three hours, and the house growing dark, we turned in at nine pm with some final details still to do. The power came back on at 1:30am, and we got up early to finish those details.

After some more last minute instructions to the House/Pet Sitter, we rolled off for a short trip to get breakfast as a new place to us, but an old established place in Denton, NC, Rick's Restaurant.

After a break in Winston Salem, we made our way to Floyd, Virginia, a surprise town, and one we must investigate for a return visit.

One more stop, a u-turn for a gravel road, a brief stretch of highway, dinner at a Shoney's and then we made it to Holiday Inn Express for the Lewisberg WV.

Here is the Relive Video: https://www.relive.cc/view/v4OGRLMmn5v